Updates on
my site
June 2022
Here follows the list of the new or updated stuff on my site. There's always some gaps to fill, brochures ti find, stories to tell. It's a never ending job. I hope you appreciate my efforts.
I'm still here... It's been over 20 years now since I started to fill my site with all kinds of Suzuki motorcycle stuff: specifications, photos, brochures, magazine ads... There wasn't any similar sites on the Internet back then – what I know of. I believe I'm still one of the largest, if not the largest size on the Internet including ALL Suzuki motorcycle models. I hope some people think it's also the best. I am trying...

The fact that it was over 20 years ago when I put this website together also means that I made the layout suitable for desktop computers, not for iPads or smartphones (there wasn't any back then). Also, an average computer display was 15 inches large, 27 inches or more is not uncommon these days. The images I uploaded back them (using a 56K dial-up modem) were often very small. ”Even larger picture” back then could be 560 pixels wide. Now it's usually 2000 pixels or moer. Back then, images needed to be small, otherwise people didn't manage to show them on their small screens, with slow computers and slow Internet connections.
It's still basically the same layout I created in 2001. I have tweaked it a little, tried to make the pictures and even the text a bit larger. To change the layout completely would mean a lot of work for me. There's thousand of pages to recreate.

Please notify me if you find any errors here, either technical or if there's uncorrect information about the motorcycle models. Any problems at all. I do read all the messages although I sometimes react slowly. It is an enormous task I've committed to, telling everything about every Suzuki motorcycle ever made. I will probably never get there, but I'm working on it...
Please keep on sending brochure scans to me! Don't make the scans too small. The bigger, the better! Here's the e-mail address:

June 1: I'm still tweaking the layout on the pages on my site, one by one, trying to make the text a bit larger and easier to read om modern devices. Just a little bit larger. I hope you find that the layout is getting at least slightly better and easier to read. I started with Suzuki models starting with the letter 'A' and I have now come to the 'G'. I am currently working with the GSX model pages. I replace the tiny preview pictures to larger images where I can and add pictures and information to every page, if possible. Today I have added something to following pages: GSX1100E brochures ('80 and '81 International)
June 2: Still going through all the GSX pages... I have split some of the pages showing brochures and magazine ads to two separate pages. On some pages I uploaded new material and/or enchanged the images. Example: GSX1100G brochures (95 Germany)
June 4: It took me a few days, but now I'm finally updated all the GSX model pages. They should look a bit better now. New material on pages: GSX400 Inazuma brochures ('97 Japan), GSX1200 Inazuma brochures ('98 Japan, '99 Japan, '19 Germany, '20 Germany). GSX1200 Inazuma model history (new text, more pictures), GSX1100S Katana model history (added the 2020 Katana version to the time line).
June 5: Today I managed to update all the GT model pages. First in line was the GT250 model history. I found new, better pictures of the early models and rewrote some of the story. More new stuff: GT250 magazine adverts ('80 UK), GT200 magazine adverts ('80 UK). The last one is a new page.
June 6: After a few hours of work with the website, I had to do something else. I managed to get through the GSX-R1000 model history pages. Nothing new there, only changed the looks a bit.
June 7: Updated pages: GSX-R400 brochures ('84 Japan, '85 Japan), GSX-R400 model history (many new photos)
June 8: New pages: GSX-R250SP brochures ('89 Japan), GSX-R250 brochures ('88 Japan, '89 Japan)
June 9: New page: GS650E magazine adverts ('82 USA). Updated pages: GSX-R250 model history (almost everything on that page is new), GSX-R250 brochures ('87 Japan, '89 Japan), RG250 Gamma brochures ('83 UK)
June 10: Updated pages: GSX-R1100 brochures ('86 & '88 International)
June 11: Updated pages: GSX-R1100 brochures ('86 France, '90 Global), GSX-R750 brochures ('86 France), GSX-R1100 magazine adverts ('92 UK), GSX-R1100 model history (almost totally reworked page with new photos and text — I'm still working on it). New page: GSX-R1100W brochures ('93 UK, '94 and '96 Global)
June 12: Updated pages: GSX-R1100 brochures ('88 and '91 France, '91 and '92 Global). I split the GSX-R1100 model history page in two, it was getting a bit too long. I created a new page containing the liquid-cooled version years 1993–1998, it became the GSX-R1100W model history page. I need more material for that page, it's still under construction.
June 13: I have been working with the GSX-R1000 pages for a while now, trying to vacuum the Internet for the missing pieces. I have created a pretty good package about the model but it's not complete, I'm sorry about that. I think I have to leave as it is and go on to other Suzuki models.
June 14: Updated pages: GSX-R600 model history (2011-2022) (new 2011, 2016 and 2021 pictures, some new text). GSX-R600 brochures ('92 pre-launch brochure, 2 different colors), GSX-R400 brochures (I found the missing flip side to a '84 Japan brochure), GSX-R1100 magazine adverts ('91 Australia), GSX1100S Katana adverts (82 Sweden), GSX-R750 brochures ('90 Japan). New page: DR-Z400 magazine adverts ('00 USA).
June 15: New page: GSX750 Inazuma brochures ('99 UK). Updated pages: GT185 brochures ('76 and '78 Global), GT185 model history (some new photos, additional color names and codes)
June 17: Updated pages: GT750 brochures ('70 Japan prelaunch model.
June 19: Updated pages: T500 brochures ('68 Global), GT125 brochures, GT185 brochures, GT250 brochures, GT380 brochures, GT550 brochures, GT750 brochures ('74 GT series, Japan). New pagse: GA50 brochures ('74 Japan, '74 GT series, Japan), GA50 model history
June 20: Updated pages: GT380 model history (new '72 photos, more text, specs), GT380 brochures ('72 USA, '72 Japan, '75 Italy)
June 21: New pages: GT100 model history, GT350 brochures ('71 Japan, GT series). Updated pages: GT350 model history (one new picture), GT250 brochures ('71 Japan, GT series), GT500 brochures ('71 Japan, GT series), GT100 brochures ('75 Japan, '77 Spanish), TC90 brochures ('70 Australia)
June 22: New page: GZ150 model history Updated pages: GZ150 brochures ('19 Chile, '22 Peru), Intruder 250 model history ('99 photos, specifications)
June 23: I am still going through the pages on this site, correcting errors, updating the appearance, adding specifications and such. I started with the A models, yesterday I freshened up all the Intruder pages. Now I have reached the letter M. Updated pages: 50MA model history (new text, specifications, a brochure scan)
June 24: I have passed the letter M now. I split the Madura 700 & 1200 brochure page in two, created a Madura 700 brochures and Madura 1200 brochures pages. No new material, though.
June 26: I'm still here... I have passed the letter P and reached the RGV models. I noticed that there were no links to the Raider R150 and Satria F150 pages I've made. Now there is, you find it here. I think I will have to check the numbers and facts on the Raider R150 model history page, the page seemed to be incomplete. I will do it later, it can take some time. Also, when I came to Ran 50 magazine adverts page, I realized there was no link from the All Suzuki models meny to the page. I created one. Also, the RB50 link didn't work. I fixed it.
June 27: While working with the RF model pages I realized that I had almost nothing on the RF400R model history page. I decided to do something about it. I'm still working on it, but at least there's pictures and some text about the first model year. It's a start. There will be more, eventually. New page: RF400R brochures ('93 Japan)
June 28: New page: RF900R brochures ('98 generic). Updated pages: RF900R model history '98 photos), RF400R model history (photos, more info, colors, frame numbers, specs)
June 29: Updated pages: RGV250 brochures ('88 RGV250SP Pepsi, '89 RGV250 Pepsi, '89 RGV250 generic, '89 RGV250 Schick, '91 Japan, '91 UK, '97 RGV250SP Japan) |