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Suzuki GT185 brochures

I have tried to find some Suzuki GT 185 sales brochure scans to show on this page. I would be grateful of any contributions — sales brochures, magazine ads, magazine articles, pictures, specs, facts, corrections etc. Please scan the material in JPEG format (large enough that all the details are visible) and send them to me. Please tell me the source and the publication date if possible. If you send me pictures of your own bike, please follow these instructions.
Suzuki 1973More Suzuki models from 1973
1973 Suzuki year code: K
'73 GT-185 K UK sales brochure
1973 Suzuki GT 185 K sales brochure from UK (single page). Click to enlarge. This scan was scanned and sent to me by Gordon Davidson, UK. He told me that he had one of the first 300 imported to UK. ”They were all blue and had a twin leading shoe drum brake up front. I did 16,500 miles on mine in 18 months. Great bike.”

GT-185, GT-250. T-500, GT-380, GT-550, GT-750 '73GT-185, GT-250. T-500, GT-380, GT-550, GT-750 '73GT-185, GT-250. T-500, GT-380, GT-550, GT-750 '73
1973 Suzuki street bikes brochure scan from USA (3 pages). Click to enlarge. This scan was sent to me by Gilles Nault, Canada. Six classic Suzuki models: GT185, GT250, T500, GT380, GT550 and GT750. The pages are taken from the '73 Suzuki USA full line catalog. Here's more scans from the same catalog.

Suzuki 1974More Suzuki models from 1974
1974 Suzuki year code: L
'74 GT-185 L UK sales brochure GT185L
1974 Suzuki GT185 L sales brochure from UK (single page). Click to enlarge. This scan was scanned and sent to me by Gordon Davidson. Printed in Japan.

'74 GT series L Japan
'74 GT-125 L Japan
'74 GT series L Japan
'74 GT series L Japan
1974 Suzuki GT series catalogue from Japan (10 pages). Click to enlarge. I found these images of this catalogue on a Japanese website, it seems to be the entire catalogue, showing all the GT series bikes Suzuki had to offer in 1974. The 50 cc bike was the only one that did not receive the 'GT' model name, it was called GA50 instead. The GT models for 1974 were: GT750, GT550, GT380, GT250, GT185 and GT125.

Suzuki 1975More Suzuki models from 1975
1975 Suzuki year code: M
'75 GT-185 M USA sales brochure GT185M
1975 Suzuki GT 185 M Adventurer sales brochure from USA (single page). Click to enlarge. Printed in Japan. I found this image on the Internet.

'75 GT-185 M USA sales brochure GT185M
1975 Suzuki GT 185 M sales brochure (single page). Click to enlarge. Printed in Japan. I found this image on the Internet. Someone posted it on a discussion group called Kettle Clinic.

Suzuki 1976More Suzuki models from 1976
1976 Suzuki year code: A
'76 Suzuki GT-185 GT185A brochure with specifications

1976 Suzuki GT-185 Adventurer sales brochures from USA (single page, 3 narrow pages when folded). Click to enlarge. Color: California Orange. Printed in USA.

'76 Suzuki GT-185 GT185A brochure with specifications
'76 Suzuki GT-185 GT185A brochure with specifications
1976 Suzuki GT 185 brochure (2 pages). Click to enlarge. ”A grand way to tour”. This brochure was on sale (as a reproduction) on Ebay. I'm not sure about the model year. Printed in Japan, september 1975

'76 Suzuki GT series catalogue, Japan
'76 Suzuki GT series catalogue, Japan
'76 Suzuki GT series catalogue, Japan
'76 Suzuki GT series catalogue, Japan

'76 Suzuki GT series catalogue, Japan

'76 Suzuki GT series catalogue, Japan

'76 Suzuki GT series catalogue, Japan

'76 Suzuki GT series catalogue, Japan

'76 Suzuki GT series catalogue, Japan



'76 Suzuki GT series catalogue, Japan
1976 Suzuki GT series catalogue from Japan (10 pages). Click to enlarge. I found these scans on a Japanese website. I believe it shows the 1976 models. The GT750 model on the cover was launched in May 1975, the brochure may have been printed around that time. The motorcycle models presented here are GT750, GT55,0 GT380, GT250, GT185, GT125, GT100 and GA50. Printed in Japan.

Suzuki 1977More Suzuki models from 1977
1977 Suzuki year code: B
'77 GT-185 brochure, Japan
1977 Suzuki GT 185 B sales brochure from Japan (single page). Click to enlarge. This one is from some Japanese website. I'm not entirely sure about the model year. The model name was changed to RG185 in 1978 so I'd guess it has to be from '77 or earlier.

Suzuki 1978More Suzuki models from 1978
1978 Suzuki year code: C
'79 '80 Suzuki GT-185 GT185C brochure with specifications
'79 '80 Suzuki GT-185 GT185 brochure with specifications
1978 Suzuki Suzuki GT 185 brochure (2 pages). Click to enlarge. ”Feel how pleasure comes naturally on the sportsbike built and outfitted for fresh-air fun”. This brochure was on sale (as a reproduction) on Ebay. I believe the leaflet was issued in september 1979. Still, it says in fine print that it's for the GT185C, meaning 1978 year's model. Printed in Japan.

More: Suzuki GT185 model history

More: GT185 magazine articles

More: GT185 electric schematic

More: Suzuki GT models

More: All Suzuki models

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