Updates on my site
February 2002

Here follows the list of the new or updated stuff on my site. I try to keep this page up to date and write here every update on My Suzuki Pages that might interest you.

February 7: More visitors bikes, More brochures (TS185, TS250, thank to Gary Jesswein for sending me material) and a few more bikes on the All Suzuki Models section, a couple of new links to other sites. I also made the Vote for my site link blinking so that you perhaps could pay more attention to it. Feel free to cast a vote or two... What's more? I'm sure I've forgot something. I've put something new on the site every single day.

February 8: More Suzuki motorcycle models on All Suzuki Models section - especially 1998 and 1999 year's models. I will also update the 2000 year's models very soon with more bikes. Have patience - it takes time to fill the gaps.

February 9: Gary Jesswein was kind enough to send me another brochure scans: a brochure page with 1972 TM250 & TM400 and a 1970 TC90 brochure. I have also found another TM75 and TM100 brochures to put on the site. All brochure page links can be found from the All Suzuki Models page.

February 10: More Suzuki motorcycle models on All Suzuki Models section - especially year 2000's models.

February 11: More brochures (thanks again to Gary Jesswein): 1973 RV-90K. Gary sent me also a big scan with pictures of Suzuki 1970 line, nine bikes total. I have put them all to All Suzuki Models section. Two new bikes on 1969, too. Another brochure (Gary mailed it) - Suzuki TS-90. Also, a couple of new bikes on the Visitors Suzuki section (one of them was originally a Kawasaki, now with Suzuki GSX-R1100 engine - first I didn't know where to put it). I put the last year's updates on a separate page. What else? Yesterday I rode my GSX1400, the sun was shining (seemed like the first time after mid-winter) and the roads were clean. It was sooo fun!!!

February 12: Now the nature is covered with snow again, no biking today. Instead I put a few brochures/adverts of RV90, RM125, RM250, RM370 and RM400 on my site. All of them can be found on the All Suzuki Models section. There's also a couple of new bikes on the year 2002 models pages.

February 15: Another TM400 brochure, old Japanese Colleda brochures and a couple of new Colleda models, a new Suzuki Colleda page, Some Suzuki racing models from the sixties, additional years (1952-1955) on the All Suzuki Models section. Even new GT250 page with a couple of new pictures. Thanks to Mark Wheeler for pointing out that one GT250 had been missplaced (wrong year)!

February 16: More brochures and adverts: TS400K sales brochure (1973) and TS125/TC125 advertisement (1972) from USA. Thanks again, Gary!!!

February 17: More sales brochures: TC125K, TS125K and TM125K (all 1973), T350 Tiger (1969)and T350J. Some updates on the All Suzuki Models section (years 1970-1976). A two-page ad with the whole 1972 Suzuki TS and TC dirt bike line-up. I also added a Help wanted page for those you could think of helping me with recognizing Suzuki models for me and that sort of stuff. You can find some Suzuki models there I need some help with.

February 18: New brochure scans came with the mail man (not really, they came as e-mail) from Gary in the USA: 1973 and 1974 TS-185, 1973 TS100 and TC100. I have cleaned them up and put them on my site now. Now when I have more 1973 year's Suzuki models on my site I have split the 1973 year's All Suzuki Models page into two pages for little faster browsing.

February 19: More sales brochures: 1966 A100, 1969 T125 Stinger, 1970 A50, 1971 T350 Rebel and TS90 Honcho, 1973 RV125 Tracker and TS250 Savage. There's more to come... I also updated the Visitors' Suzuki page with three new photos, among them a lovely renovated 1967 K10P. If you have pictures of your Suzuki please send them here!

February 23: A couple of new bikes on the Visitors' Suzuki page (1974, 2002) and a new entry even on the Visitors' GSX1400 page. A couple of new motorcycles on the All Suzuki Models section. New sales brochure scans: 1974 TS50 Gaucho and TC185 Ranger.

February 24: Two new sales brochures from USA: 1974 TM75 L and 1977 PE250 B.

February 25: A Suzuki ad from USA: 1980 GS750 and GS1100, GT380 brochures: 1972 and 1973 USA sales brochures, 1973 and 1974 Belgium sales brochures and a 1975 RL250 brochure. (cleaned versions). A new entry on the Visitors' Suzuki page (1986 GSX-R1100).

February 26: A visitor pointed out that there was nothing on Suzuki Madura on my site and I checked it out - there wasn't. Actually I had already made a Madura brochure page for some time ago but forgot to make a link to the page! Now it's there (On All Suzuki Models page). And here. New brochures and advertisements: 1977 TS250 B sales brochure scan, 1980 RS175 and RS250 U.S. magazine ad.

February 28: More sales brochures and adverts: 1980 GS250 USA magazine ad and two different 1974 RL250 Exacta sales brochures. There was some some server problems on my site : some images were missing. The problem should be fixed now. But if you still can't view some of the images, please let me know it and I will try to fix it as soon as possible!

Sometimes I get mail from people who complain that their favorite model is not on my site. In many cases they haven't even bothered to look properly or used the search engine. But there are still some models missing. I'm doing my best and will fill in the gaps as fast as I can. This is not my profession; I'm doing this in my spare time. I could use some help to be able to get more things done. Please send me pictures, brochures and specs – or complete model histories... Anything at all that can make the site more complete. Here's more info of how you can contact me.

One more thing: PLEASE visit the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) pages before sending me questions about your bikes, manuals etc. I would love to help you all but I haven't got enough time or knowledge to do that — perhaps you can find an answer to your question on the FAQ pages? Here's the link: Frequently Asked Questions

Jarmo Haapamäki

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My Suzuki Pages
Jarmo Haapamäki (c) 2001