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Suzuki DR200SE brochures

I have gathered some Suzuki DR 200 SE sales brochure scans on this page. I would be grateful of any contributions — sales brochures, magazine ads, magazine articles, pictures, specs, facts, corrections etc. Please scan the material in JPEG format (large enough that all the details are visible) and send them to me. Please tell me the source and the publication date if possible. If you send me pictures of your own bike, please follow these instructions.
Suzuki 1996More Suzuki models from 1996
1996 Suzuki year code: T

'96 Suzuki DR200SET brochure with specifications
'96 Suzuki DR200SET brochure with specifications
1996 Suzuki DR 200 SE sales brochure (export model, 2 pages). Click to enlarge. ”Smooth and Agile in the Rough or in the City”. I found these photos of the leaflet on an Australian auction site. Color: Special White No.2 / Iris Purple (E3D). Date of issue: September 1995

Suzuki 1997More Suzuki models from 1997
1997 Suzuki year code: V

'97 Suzuki DR200SEV brochure with specifications
'97 Suzuki DR200SEV brochure with specifications
1997 Suzuki DR 200 SE sales brochure (export model, 2 pages). Click to enlarge. ”Smooth and Agile in the Rough or in the City”. I found these photos of the leaflet on an Australian auction site. Color: Special White No.2 / Iris Purple (E3D). Date of issue: April 1996

Suzuki 1998More Suzuki models from 1998
1998 Suzuki year code: W
'98 Suzuki DR200SEW brochure with specifications
'98 Suzuki DR200SEW brochure with specifications
1998 Suzuki DR 200 SE sales brochure (export model, 2 pages). Click to enlarge. ”Smooth and Agile in the Rough or in the City”. I found these photos of the leaflet on an Australian auction site. Color: Special White No.2 / Iris Purple (E3D). Date of issue: May 1997

Suzuki 2004More Suzuki models from 2004
2004 Suzuki year code: K4
Suzuki BA-SH42A Djebel 200 brochure from Japan
Suzuki BA-SH42A Djebel 200 brochure from Japan
2004 Suzuki Djebel 200 sales brochure from Japan (2 pages). Click to enlarge. It's the same Suzuki model (intern model code BA-SH42A) that is called DR200SE in the West. Date of issue: July 2003

Suzuki 2007More Suzuki models from 2007
2007 Suzuki year code: K7

'07 K7 Suzuki DR200SE brochure
'07 K7 Suzuki DR200SE brochure
2007 Suzuki DR200SE brochure (Global Suzuki, 2 pages). Click to enlarge. ”Comfort, Strength, Convenience & Power.” Not the best quality but better than nothing. I found it on the Internet. Printed in Japan, July 2006

Suzuki 2012More Suzuki models from 2012
2012 Suzuki year code: L2
'12 L2 Suzuki DR200SE brochure with specifications
'12 L2 Suzuki DR200SE brochure with specifications
2012 Suzuki DR 200 SE brochure (Global Suzuki, 2 pages). Click to enlarge. ”Smooth, Agile In The Rough On In The City”. This leaflet was found on Suzuki New Zealand's website. The colors shown are Solid Special White (30H) and Solid Black (019). Printed in Japan, April 2012.

Suzuki 2013More Suzuki models from 2013
2013 Suzuki year code: L3


'13 L3 Suzuki DR200SE brochure with specifications
'13 L3 Suzuki DR200SE brochure with specifications
2013 Suzuki DR 200 SE brochure (generic, 2 pages). Click to enlarge. ”Smooth, Agile In The Rough On In The City”.This looks almost the same as the 2012 brochure above but printing details and showing only the black color option. I believe it's a template used for a printed sales brochure but without the information of the importer or where and when it was printed. The color shown was Solid Black (019).

Suzuki 2015More Suzuki models from 2015
2015 Suzuki year code: L5
Suzuki DR200SE Trojan Multi-Purpose Type bike brochure
Suzuki DR200SE Trojan Multi-Purpose Type bike brochure
2015 Suzuki DR 200 SE Multi Purpose Bike brochure (Global Suzuki, 2 pages). Click to enlarge. ”Comfort, Strength, Convenience & Power”, it says in the brochure and continues: "The DR200SE is a well-known versatile bike boasting a strong off road heritage. A multi-purpose utility motorcycle, the DR200SE is built without compromise and designed for the rigorous conditions." This is a type of bike they call a ”farm bike” in some parts of the world. Global Suzuki calls it a ”multi purpose bike”. Printed in Japan, June 2014

Suzuki 2018More Suzuki models from 2018
2018 Suzuki year code: L8
'18 L8 Suzuki DR200S  brochure'18 L8 Suzuki DR200S  brochure
2018 Suzuki DR 200 S brochure from USA (2 pages). Click to enlarge. This flyer was originally a pdf file that I converted to jpeg images.

Suzuki 2019More Suzuki models from 2019
2019 Suzuki year code: L9


'19 L9 Suzuki DR200S brochure from Africa'19 L9 Suzuki DR200S brochure from Africa
2019 Suzuki DR 200 SE CFAO brochure from Africa (2 pages). Click to enlarge. This flyer was produced in two languages. The left one is in English, the right one is in French. They were originally pdf files (created in April 2019) that I converted to jpeg images. The company, CFAO, is presented in 40 African countries, French overseas departments, Myanmar and Vietnam.

Suzuki 2022More Suzuki models from 2022
2022 Suzuki year code: M2

Suzuki DR200SE Trojan Multi-Purpose Type bike brochure from New Zealand with specidfications
Suzuki DR200SE Trojan Multi-Purpose Type bike brochure from New Zealand with specidfications
2022 Suzuki DR 200 SE brochure from New Zealand (2 pages). Click to enlarge. ”Comfort, Strength, Convenience & Power”, it says in the brochure – just like it did in 2015. The bike in the picture looks almost the same as well. The clutch and brake lever protectors looks new and the rear carrier looks slightly different. Also, the mirrors and the registration plate are missing from this one. This pamphlet was originally a pdf file that I converted to jpeg images. Date of preparation: September 2021

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