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Suzuki models 1960—1969
Japan full line up brochures and adverts,
domestic models

On these pages I will publish some Japanese home market Suzuki line catalogs and other info of the models. My aim is to put full line brochures here, if available, of every model year from the start, their prices and some specs that may differ from the specs in other countries. If you have any such information on any years or models (brochures and even magazine ads would be great), please contact me .

Suzuki 1963More Suzuki models from 1963
'63 Suzuki models, Japan lineup
1963 Suzuki motorcycle lineup catalog from Japan (2 pages). Click to enlarge. I found this image on Pinterest. It shows the following models: 50M12, 80K11, 125S31, M30, T10, 50MD, 80K and S30.

Suzuki 1964More Suzuki models from 1964

'64 Suzuki models, Japan lineup'64 Suzuki models, Japan lineup
1964 Suzuki motorcycle lineup catalog from Japan (folded). Click to enlarge. I found these images on a Japanese auction site. I believe this is the entire catalogue. The folder shows the following models: 50 M30/55 M31, 50 M15/M15D, 80 K10, 125 S10, 50 M12, 80 K11, 125 S31, 125 S30, 125 SL, 250 T10. Printed in Japan.

Suzuki 1967More Suzuki models from 1967
'67 Suzuki models, Japan lineup
'67 Suzuki models, Japan lineup
1967 Suzuki motorcycle lineup catalog from Japan (6 pages, folded). Click to enlarge. I found these images on a Japanese auction site. I don't know if this is the entire catalogue. There must be at least a small part of it (what I call page 5) missing. The models shows on the brochure are 50 M15-2/M15D-2, 50 M12-2, 70 K30, B120, 250 T21, U50/U50D, U70, 80 K10-2/K100-2, A90, 125 S10, 125 S30-2. Printed in Japan.

'67 Suzuki models, Japan full lineup
'67 Suzuki models, Japan full lineup'67 Suzuki models, Japan full lineup'67 Suzuki models, Japan full lineup
'67 Suzuki models, Japan full lineup
1967 Suzuki motorcycle lineup catalog from Japan (6 pages). Click to enlarge. I believe this is an updated version of the domestic Suzuki motorcycle catalogue for the 1967, second edition. It shows the models U50/U50D, K50/K50D, KS50, K90, K125, A90, A100,T125, T200, TC200, T250, TC250 and also the outboard boat engines D40 and D55. And a boat. Like the other 1967 brochure shown on this page, the pages 4 and 5 are narrower and folded towards the center of the catalogue. I separated the pages 2–5 to 3 separate files. Here's all the pages 2–5 as one, much larger file.

Suzuki 1969More Suzuki models from 1969
'69 Suzuki motorcycles, Japan'69 Suzuki motorcycles, Japan'69 Suzuki motorcycles, Japan
'69 Suzuki motorcycles, Japan'69 Suzuki motorcycles, Japan
1969 Suzuki motorcycle lineup catalog from Japan (6 pages, folded). Click to enlarge. This early '69 Suzuki full line sales brochure had the new Wolf 90 on the cover. Inside the double folding catalogue showed the Family type bikes U50, U70 and Super Mini 50, the Business type bikes K50, K90 and K125, the Sports type AS50, AS90, AC50, AC90, Wolf 90 (T90), T125 (the old version) , TC250, T250 and T500.

'69 Suzuki motorcycles, Japan'69 Suzuki motorcycles, Japan
1969 Suzuki motorcycle lineup brochure from Japan (2 pages). Click to enlarge. Sports type: Wolf 90, Wolf 125, AS50, AC50, AC90, AS90, TC120, T250, T350, Hustler 250, T500. Business type: Super Mini 50, Super Free 50, Super Free 50 Deluxe, Super Free 80, K50, K90, K125. This is a later brochure with some new and updated models like the Wolf 125 and T350.

'69 Suzuki models, Japan lineup
'69 Suzuki models, Japan lineup
'69 Suzuki models, Japan lineup
1969 Suzuki motorcycle lineup catalog, Japan. Click to enlarge. I found these images on a Japanese auction site. The models shown here are: TS250 Hustler, T500, T350, T250, T125, TC120, AC50, T90, AS50, AS90, AC90, K50, F50?, F50?, K90, F80, F50?, K125. Can you help me with identifying those scooter models? Printed in Japan.

More: 1952–1959 Suzuki lineup, Japan

More: 1970–1979 Suzuki lineup, Japan

More: 1980–1989 Suzuki lineup, Japan

More: Worldwide Suzuki

More: All Suzuki models

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