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Suzuki Burgman 650 brochures

I have put some Suzuki AN 650 Burgman sales brochures on this page. I would be grateful of any contributions — sales brochures, magazine ads, magazine articles, pictures, specs, facts, corrections etc. Please scan the material in JPEG format (large enough that all the details are visible) and send them to me. Please tell me the source and the publication date if possible. If you send me pictures of your own bike, please follow these instructions.
Suzuki 2002More Suzuki models from 2002
2002 Suzuki year code: K2
Suzuki Burgman 650 brochure
Suzuki Burgman 650 brochureSuzuki Burgman 650 brochure
Suzuki Burgman 650 brochureSuzuki Burgman 650 brochure
Suzuki Burgman 650 brochureSuzuki Burgman 650 brochure
Suzuki Burgman 650 brochureSuzuki Burgman 650 brochure
Suzuki Burgman 650 brochureSuzuki Burgman 650 brochure
Suzuki Burgman 650 brochure
2002 Burgman 650 sales brochure (12 pages). Click to enlarge. The brochure shows only one color option, Metallic Sonic Silver (YD8). Brochure scans provided by Antonio Cuadra, Spain. Date of issue: September 2001. The stamp on the brochure means that it is from the presentation at Milano-Italy in September 2001. Printed in Japan

'02 K2 Suzuki Burgman 650 Executive / Burgman 400 brochure from Germany with specifications
'02 K2 Suzuki Burgman 650 / 400 brochure from Germany with specifications'02 K2 Suzuki Burgman 650 / 400 brochure from Germany with specifications
'02 K2 Suzuki Burgman 650 / 400 brochure from Germany with specifications'02 K2 Suzuki Burgman 650 / 400 brochure from Germany with specifications
'02 K2 Suzuki Burgman 650 / 400 brochure from Germany with specifications'02 K2 Suzuki Burgman 650 / 400 brochure from Germany with specifications
'02 K2 Suzuki Burgman 650 / 400 brochure from Germany with specifications
2002 Suzuki Burgman 650 Executive / Burgman 400 catalog from Germany (8 pages). Click to enlarge. ”Action, Fun und Scooter-Power”, ”Burgman 650 Executive: König der Scooterklasse”, ”Stärker, schneller, schöner: Burgman 400”. Printed in Germany, July 2002.

Suzuki 2003More Suzuki models from 2003
2003 Suzuki year code: K3
Suzuki Burgman 450 & 650 booklet, USASuzuki Burgman 450 & 650 booklet, USA
Suzuki Burgman 450 & 650 booklet, USASuzuki Burgman 450 & 650 booklet, USA
Suzuki Burgman 450 & 650 booklet, USASuzuki Burgman 450 & 650 booklet, USA
2003 Burgman 400 and 650 sales brochure from USA (6 pages). Click to enlarge. ”New Generation Scooters”, ”A Work of Art That Will Really Move You”, "Ahead of Compotition, Ahead of Its Time”. Scanned and sent to me by Michael Rollins, USA.

'3 K3 Suzuki Burgman AN650 brochure UK
'3 K3 Suzuki Burgman AN650 brochure UK
2003 Burgman AN650 brochure from UK (2 pages). Click to enlarge. I found these two brochure pages from Internet. Three color option: Metallic Sonic Silver (YD8), Pearl Dark Space Blue (Y7H) and Metallic Surf Green (YV4). Date of preparation: July 2002

Suzuki Burgman 450 & 650 booklet, USA
Suzuki Burgman 450 & 650 booklet, USA
Suzuki Burgman 450 & 650 booklet, USASuzuki Burgman 450 & 650 booklet, USA
Suzuki Burgman 450 & 650 booklet, USA
2003 Burgman AN 650 brochure from Germany (7 pages). Click to enlarge. ”Eine Klasse für sich!” ”Der neue Star am Rollerhimmel!” I found these scans from Internet. I believe it's a 7-page catalogue where the pages 2 and 6 (the image after the front page) are folded outwards to see the rest of the pages (the next image). Color options: Metallic Sonic Silver (YD8), Pearl Dark Space Blue (Y7H). Printed in Germany, January 2003.

Suzuki 2004More Suzuki models from 2004
2004 Suzuki year code: K4
'04 K4 Suzuki AN650  Burgman 650  sales brochure
'04 K4 Suzuki AN650  Burgman 650  sales brochure
'04 K4 Suzuki AN650  Burgman 650  sales brochure
'04 K4 Suzuki AN650  Burgman 650  sales brochure
'04 K4 Suzuki AN650  Burgman 650  sales brochure
2004 Suzuki Burgman 650 / Executive sales brochure (8 pages). Click to enlarge. ”Adventure, In All Directions”. The flyer was originally a pdf file that I converted to jpeg images. Three color options: Metallic Sonic Silver (YD8), Pearl Dark Space Blue (Y7H) and Pearl Nebular Black (YAY). The Executive versiuon was only available in Metallic Sonic Silver. ”Printed in Japan.” Date of issue August 2003

Suzuki 2012More Suzuki models from 2012
2012 Suzuki year code: L2
'12 L2 Suzuki AN650  Burgman 650 Executive brochure with specifications
'12 L2 Suzuki AN650  Burgman 650 Executive brochure with specifications
2012 Suzuki Burgman 650 Executive sales brochure (Global Suzuki, 2 pages). Click to enlarge. ”Looking Ahead On Luxury”. Three color option: Pearl Moon Stone Gray (YWC), Pearl Mirage White (YPA) and Glass Spark Black (YVB). The flyer was originally a pdf file that I converted to jpeg images. Printed in Japan, September 2011

Suzuki 2013More Suzuki models from 2013
2013 Suzuki year code: L3
'13 L3 Suzuki AN650 / AN650Z Executive  Burgman 650  sales brochure with specifications
'13 L3 Suzuki AN650 / AN650Z Executive  Burgman 650  sales brochure with specifications'13 L3 Suzuki AN650 / AN650Z Executive  Burgman 650  sales brochure with specifications
'13 L3 Suzuki AN650 / AN650Z Executive  Burgman 650  sales brochure with specifications'13 L3 Suzuki AN650 / AN650Z Executive  Burgman 650  sales brochure with specifications
'13 L3 Suzuki AN650 / AN650Z Executive  Burgman 650  sales brochure with specifications'13 L3 Suzuki AN650 / AN650Z Executive  Burgman 650  sales brochure with specifications
'13 L3 Suzuki AN650 / AN650Z Executive  Burgman 650  sales brochure with specifications'13 L3 Suzuki AN650 / AN650Z Executive  Burgman 650  sales brochure with specifications
'13 L3 Suzuki AN650 / AN650Z Executive  Burgman 650  sales brochure with specifications'13 L3 Suzuki AN650 / AN650Z Executive  Burgman 650  sales brochure with specifications
'13 L3 Suzuki AN650 / AN650Z Executive  Burgman 650  sales brochure with specifications'13 L3 Suzuki AN650 / AN650Z Executive  Burgman 650  sales brochure with specifications
'13 L3 Suzuki AN650 / AN650Z Executive  Burgman 650  sales brochure with specifications'13 L3 Suzuki AN650 / AN650Z Executive  Burgman 650  sales brochure with specifications
'13 L3 Suzuki AN650 / AN650Z Executive  Burgman 650  sales brochure with specifications
2013 Suzuki Burgman 650 / Executive sales brochure (Global Suzuki, 16 pages). Click to enlarge. ”It rules.” ”The feeling of empowering.” This classy brochure was originally a pdf file that I converted to jpeg images. The 2013 color options were Pearl Bracing White (RB5), Metallic Mat Fibroin Gray (PGZ) and Glass Sparkle Black (YVB). ”Printed in Japan.” Date of issue: October 2012

Suzuki 2014More Suzuki models from 2014
2014 Suzuki year code: L4
'14 L4 Suzuki AN650 / AN650Z Executive  Burgman 650  sales brochure with specifications
'14 L4 Suzuki AN650 / AN650Z Executive  Burgman 650  sales brochure with specifications
2014 Suzuki Burgman 200 sales brochure (2 pages). Click to enlarge. ”The Well Contoured Lap of Luxury”. I believe this is a template used for a printed sales brochure but without the information of the importer or where and when it was printed. The only color shown was Pearl Bracing White (BR5).

Suzuki 2016More Suzuki models from 2016
2016 Suzuki year code: L6
'16 L6 Suzuki V-Strom 650 brochure from Australia with specifications
'16 L6 Suzuki V-Strom 650 brochure from Australia with specifications
'16 L6 Suzuki V-Strom 650 brochure from Australia with specifications'16 L6 Suzuki V-Strom 650 brochure from Australia with specifications
'16 L6 Suzuki V-Strom 650 brochure from Australia with specifications'16 L6 Suzuki V-Strom 650 brochure from Australia with specifications
2016 Suzuki Burgman 650 brochure from Australia (6 pages). Click to enlarge. Color: Metallic Mat Fibroin Gray (PGZ). The catalogue was originally a pdf file that I converted to jpeg images.

More: Suzuki Sky Wave 650 brochure scans
(the Japanese sister model)

Suzuki Burgman series

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