Updates on
my site
September 2022
Here follows the list of the new or updated stuff on my site. There's always some gaps to fill, brochures ti find, stories to tell. It's a never ending job. I hope you appreciate my efforts.
I'm still here... It's been over 20 years now since I started to fill my site with all kinds of Suzuki motorcycle stuff: specifications, photos, brochures, magazine ads... There wasn't any similar sites on the Internet back then – what I know of. I believe I'm still one of the largest, if not the largest size on the Internet including ALL Suzuki motorcycle models. I hope some people think it's also the best. I am trying...

The fact that it was over 20 years ago when I put this website together also means that I made the layout suitable for desktop computers, not for iPads or smartphones (there wasn't any back then). Also, an average computer display was 15 inches large, 27 inches or more is not uncommon these days. The images I uploaded back them (using a 56K dial-up modem) were often very small. ”Even larger picture” back then could be 560 pixels wide. Now it's usually 2000 pixels or moer. Back then, images needed to be small, otherwise people didn't manage to show them on their small screens, with slow computers and slow Internet connections.
I have now been tweaking the layout on the pages on my site, trying to make the text a bit larger and easier to read om modern devices. I have also replaced many of the photos and scans to better and larger versions. This tedious work have taken me many weeks, and I'm still not finished.
While browsing all the pages on my site, one by one, I seen what's missing and what pages have not been working properly. I have corrected all the errors I've noticed and tried to fill the gaps with new information and pictures.

Please notify me if you find any errors, either technical or if there's uncorrect information about the motorcycle models. Any problems at all. I do read all the messages although I sometimes react slowly. It is an enormous task I've committed to, telling everything about every Suzuki motorcycle ever made. I will probably never get there, but I'm working on it...
Please keep on sending brochure scans to me! Don't make the scans too small. The bigger, the better! Here's the e-mail address:

September 2 New page: Shogun 125 brochures ('05 Malaysia, '12 Indonesia). I have also gathered more material that plan to publish later. I'm working much slower than usual, I broke my leg a couple of weeks ago and than makes it diffult for me to move around and sit by my computer. I need a few more weeks before my leg is fully functional.
September 4 New page: Axelo 125 brochures ('14 and '15 Vietnam). I have been gathering information and creating a model history page for the Suzuki Shogun and Axelo pages. It's a slow process, partly because of my temporary handicap (broken leg) and partly because of the language barrier – and the fact that in some Asian countries they are not that particular of telling what year the bikes were made. I believe the motorcycles could be sold during long periods of time, therefore it was not neccessary to print the model year of the bike in the brochure. It sometimes takes me long time and lots of googling before I figure out what model came first; to find a picture of it, and so on.
September 5 Updated page: V-Strom 1050 model history ('23 DL1050 and DL1050DE)
September 6 Updated pages: RM85 model history ('23 RM85), DR-Z125 model history ('23 DR-Z125L), RM-Z250 model history ('23 RM-Z250), RM-Z450 model history ('23 RM-Z450), DR-Z400 model history ('23 DR-Z400S, '23 DR-Z400SM), DR650 model history ('23 DR650S/SE), GSX1300R Hayabusa model history ('23 Hayabusa). I also added the models I mentioned here to the 2023 Suzuki lineup page.
September 7 New pages: Saluto 125 model history, Saluto 125 brochures ('22 Taiwan). Updated pages: GSX-R1000 model history ('22 GSX-R1000RZ added)
September 8 New pages: Access 125 brochures ('14 India), Access 125 model history (still under construction)
September 11 Updated pages: Access 125 brochures ('17 India, '20 India, '22 India), Access 125 model history (more 2020 photos). New pages: Gixxer 150 brochures (India, New Zealand), Gixxer 150 model history (still under construction), Gixxer SF 250 model history (still under construction)
September 12 Updated pages: Gixxer 150 model history ('21 and '22 photos), Gixxer 150 brochures ('19 Chile), Gixxer SF 150 brochures ('18 Chile). New page: Access 125 magazine adverts ('17 and '19 India)
September 13 Updated pages: Access 125 brochures ('19 India), Access 125 model history (more photos), TF125 brochures ('05 Australia), TS185ER brochures ('15 Global), TS185 model history ('15 TS185ER), SV650 model history (new '23 models), GSX1300R Hayabusa model history (new '23 photos). New page: TF125 model history (still under construction)
September 14 Updated pages: GSX-R1000 brochures ('14 India), Gixxer 150 brochures ('21 Japan), Burgman 200 brochures ('21 Japan). New page: Hayate 125 brochures ('12 Thailand)
September 15 Updated pages: Burgman 400 brochures ('22 Japan), Let's 50 brochures ('21 UZ50B Japan), Let's 50 model history ('21 Basket model added), Let's 110 brochures ('15 India). New pages: Slingshot brochures ('13 India), Slingshot model history (still under construction)
September 16 Updated pages: Gixxer SF250 brochures ('19 Indonesia), DR-Z125 brochures ('29 New Zealand), GSX1000S Katana brochures ('20 Zaire). New pages: GSX125 brochures ('20 Mauritius), GSX125 model history (still under construction)
September 17 Updated pages: Gixxer SF150 brochures ('21 Thailand), Smash Revo brochures ('07 Malaysia), Smash Revo model history (added '07 Malaysia). New pages: Smash Fi brochures ('21 Thailand), Smash Revo brochures ('07 Malaysia)
September 18 Updated pages: Smash Fi brochures ('17 Indonesia, '20 Indonesia). New page: Smash FW110 brochures ('10 Thailand)
September 19 Updated pages: Raider R150 brochures ('22 Thailand). New pages: Raider J Crossover brochures ('22 Thailand), VanVan 200 brochures ('19 Thailand)
September 20 I'm not entirely finished with updating ALL the pages of my site to uniform layout with slightly bigger text and small tweeks here and there. Today I updated the Suzuki RV pages. New page: Nex Crossover brochures ('22 Thailand)
September 21 Updated pages: Address 110 brochures ('16 Philippines, '16 GP Limited Edition Australia), Address 110 model history ('16 GP Limited Edition added). New pages: Smash V115 brochures ('12 Indonesia, only the front page), Skydrive 125 brochures ('15 Philippines), EN125 brochures ('19 Ghana)
September 22 New pages: Skydrive 125 Fi model history (only '19 models so far), Skydrive Crossover model history (only '21 models so far), Skydrive Crossover brochures ('21 Philippines)
September 23 Today I split the 2014 Suzuki models, 2013 Suzuki models, 2012 Suzuki models, 2011 Suzuki models, 2010 Suzuki models, 2009 Suzuki models, 2008 Suzuki models, 2007 Suzuki models and 2006 Suzuki modelspages in 3 separate pages each. The 2005 Suzuki models page was a bit longer, I split it i 4 separate pages. Making the pages less ”heavy” makes browsing the All Suzuki models section faster.
September 24 Today I continued splitting pages I find a bit too long for convenient browsing; now I'm done with the 2019 Suzuki models, 2018 Suzuki models, 2017 Suzuki models, 2016 Suzuki models and 2015 Suzuki models pages. I split them all in 3 separate pages for faster page loading. Other updated pages: V-Strom 650 brochures ('14 Netherlands, '22 Thailand) V-Strom 1000 brochures ('14 Netherlands). New page: V-Strom 1050 brochures ('20 Thailand)
September 25 Updated pages: TS125 model history (new '71, '77 and '89 photos), TS185 model history (a short introduction, a better '71 photo), TS200R model history (better '89 photo), TS250 model history (better '71 and '77 photos) TS125 brochures ('71 USA), TS185 brochures ('71 USA, '75 UK). I also updated all the remaining TS series pages with slightly bigger text and cleaned their html code. New pages: TS185 adverts, TS250 adverts, TS400 adverts
September 26 Updated pages: TS50 model history ('80 photo), FS50/FZ50 model history ('80 FS50 photo & specs), Satria F150 brochures ('19 Indonesia), Boulevard M109R brochures ('08 Global), Intruder M1800R brochures ('08 Global). New page: Nex II Crossover brochures ('21 Indonesia)
September 27 Updated pages: GSF1200 Bandit brochures ('06 Global), GSF1200S Bandit brochures ('06 Global), Smash 115 brochures ('16 Philippines), Raider R150 brochures ('20 Philippines), TS90 model history ('71 TS90 Hustler photo)
September 28 Updated pages: TS90 brochures ('73 Japan), AS50 brochures ('68 Japan), AC50 brochures ('68 Japan), GSX-S125 brochures ('18 Australia). New page: AC90 brochures ('68 Japan)
September 29 Updated pages: TC120 brochures ('69 Japan), F50 brochures ('69 Japan), 1969 Suzuki models (added F50), TS90 brochures ('70 Japan), TS185 brochures ('71 Japan)
September 30 Updated pages: TS90 model history (new photos, revised text), 1972 Suzuki models (added TS90), 1973 Suzuki models (added TS90), 1974 Suzuki models (added TS90), 1975 Suzuki models (added TS90), 1976 Suzuki models (added TS90), 1981 Suzuki models (added TS80). New pages: TS80 model history, GS250FW brochures ('83 Japan) |