Updates on my site
March 2022

Here follows the list of the new or updated stuff on my site. I try to keep this page up to date and write here every update on my Suzuki site that might interest you.

I'm still here... It's been over 20 years now since I started to fill my site with all kinds of Suzuki motorcycle stuff: specifications, photos, brochures, magazine ads... There wasn't any similar sites on the Internet back then – what I know of. Now there are a few similar sites out there, but most of them don't have any good stuff of the vintage models. I believe I'm still one of the largest, if not the largest size on the Internet including ALL Suzuki motorcycle models. I hope some people think it's also the best. I am trying...
The fact that it was 20 years ago when I put this website together also means that I made the layout suitable for desktop computers, not for iPads or smartphones (there wasn't any back then). Also, an average computer display was 15 inches large, 27 inches or more is not uncommon these days. The images I uploaded back them (using a 56K dial-up modem) were often very small. ”Even larger picture” back then could be 560 pixels wide. Now it's usually 2400 pixels wide, when I have decent material to work with. Back then, images needed to be small, otherwise people didn't manage to show them on their slow computers with slow Internet connections.
I still use the same layout I created in 2001. It still works, but the text is on the smaller side and can be difficult to read on some devices. To change the layout on this site with over a thousand different pages would mean a lot of work for me. It's not broken so I won't fix it unless I have to. I'd rather spend the time adding more Suzuki stuff on the site than making the site look more modern.
I have got loads of help from the vistors on my site during the years. In the beginning it was often essential, there wasn't as much material on the Internet as it is now. People svanned their brochures at their homes and mailed the material to me. Seeing the brochures is not only fun, but it is often the only way to be sure that the infomation is correct. The errors often multiply on the Internet, webmasters copy information from each other. I've mistakes I made on my site being copied to several other sites.
Please notify me if you find any errors on my site, either technical or if there's uncorrect information about the motorcycle models. It is an enormous task to tell everything about every Suzuki motorcycle ever made. I will probably never get there, but I'm working on it...
And do keep on sending brochure scans to me! Please check first if I already have the brochure here on my site. And don't make the scans too small. The bigger, the better! Here's the e-mail address:
March 9: After another period of doing something complete different than managing and updating my web site I have returned. After the doctors opened some blocked coronary arteries caused by coronary artery disease I feel better and hopfully have more energy to work with my site in the future. Anyway, here's the updates I managed to do today: SJK Colleda brochure scans ('59 SB 125 Seltwin), 1959 Suzuki models (SB125 Seltwin), M30 Suzy brochure scans ('65 Australia), T10 Crusader brochure scans ('65 USA), T10 model history ('65), 1965 Suzuki models (T10 Crusader), K125 brochure scans ('76 Japan), K125 model history ('76), 1976 Suzuki models (K125), More Hamamatsu museum (XR20 prototype). New pages: Falcorustyco brochure scans ('86 concept bike), Visitors' Suzuki page 139 ('08 GSX1400 SE, '84 SP125E, '72 GT250, '82 GS650G, '11 DL650A V-Strom, '78 GS750, '90 VX800)

March 10: Updated pages: T20 brochures ('68, 8 pages), TS250 brochure scans ('70 USA, '74 USA), Export countries ('64 Export line catalogue and much more – 36 pages)

March 11: Updated pages: 1962 Suzuki models (50MD), 1964 Suzuki models (M30), 1967 Suzuki models (TC200 and TC250 photos), M30 brochures ('64 introduction), RG50 model history ('77, '78, '79, '80, '81 and '82 photos). New pages: 50MD magazine adverts ('61 Singapore, '62 UK), 1963 UK imports (S31, M15/M15D, K10, S30/S32 and T10).

March 12: Updated pages: TS250 brochure scans ('75 UK), 1998 Suzuki models (UR50 Verde)

March 13: Updated pages: GSX-R750 brochures ('86, '06, '12, '14, '16)

March 14: Updated pages: 2010 Suzuki models (GSX-R750), 2011 Suzuki models (GSX-R750), 2012 Suzuki models (GSX-R750), 2013 Suzuki models (GSX-R750), 2014 Suzuki models (GSX-R750), 2015 Suzuki models (GSX-R750), 2016 Suzuki models (GSX-R750), 2017 Suzuki models (GSX-R750). I have also started to fill the gaps on the GSX-R750 model history pages.

March 15: New pages: GSX-S1000GT model history, GSX-R 30th anniversary booklet (1985—2015), GSX-S1000GT brochures ('22 UK). Updated pages: Hayabusa brochures ('21 UK, '21 India), Hayabusa model history ('20, '21, '22), 2021 Suzuki models (Hayabusa), GSX-R600 model history pages ('22), GSX-R750 model history pages('22), GSX-R1000 model history pages('22). I also started a 2022 Suzuki models page (although there's not much on it yet).

March 16: Updated pages: GSX-S1000 brochures ('22 Canada), C50 Boulevard model history ('22), GSX250R model history ('21, '22), DR-Z50 model history ('22), DR650 model history ('22) and the GSX-S1000 and GSX-S1000F model history pages. Also filling up the 2022 Suzuki models page.

March 17: New pages: GSX-R150 model history (2017–2022), GSX-R150 brochures ('17 Indonesia, '18 Vietnam, '19 Indonesia, '20 Taiwan, '21 Thailand, '22 Indonesia). I also added the GSX-R150 to the relevant model year pages.

March 18: New pages: GSX-S150 brochures ('17 Indonesia, '17 Thailand, '22 Vietnam), GSX150 Bandit brochures ('20 Vietnam), GT80L magazine articles ('81 Germany), Suzirider magazine (1/80 Germany, 48 pages). Updated pages: RL250 brochures ('75 International), GT185 brochures ('75 USA), GT250 brochures ('76 USA), GT125 brochures ('73 International).

March 19: Updated pages: GSX150 Bandit brochures ('20 Taiwan), GSX1300R Hayabusa brochures ('17 Global, '19 India), DL1000 V-Strom brochures ('16 Global). New pages: Raider R150 brochures ('19 Vietnam, '20 Vietnam, '21 Vietnam). Satria F150 brochures ('20 Vietnam, '20 Indonesia, '21 Vietnam, '21 Indonesia). I also added the Satria F150 to the relevant model year pages.

March 20: Updated pages: Hayabusa brochures ('18 Global), Hayabusa model history (more pictures), DL1000 V-Strom model history (more pictures), DL1000 V-Strom brochures ('19 Global), RM-Z450 model history ('19), RM-Z450 brochures ('19 Global and a 20-page brochure with RM-Z250 and RM-Z450 models. The folder can also be found on the RM-Z250 brochures page.

March 21: Updated pages: RM-Z450 brochures ('14 and '15 Global), RM-Z450 model history ('14) and the relevant model year pages

March 22: I'm still searching for material and filling the gaps in RM-Z450 model history. Other updated pages: RM250 model history ('06), DR-Z70 model history ('08, '09, '10, '13, '16, '18), GSX-S750 model history (added '22 and a couple of pictures of some other years).

March 23: New pages: GS150R brochures ('14 India), DR-Z50 brochures ('19 India). Updated pages: AN400 Burgman model history ('13, '22), AN400 Burgman brochures ('13 Global), SV650 model history ('18, '19, '22), DR-Z125 model history ('22), DL250 V-Strom brochures ('19 and '20 Global) and the relevant model year pages. I have also started a DL250 V-Strom model history page. There's not much info on it yet.

March 24: Updated pages: V-Strom 650 model history page (plenty). The story grew so large (I counted 127 images) that I split the DL650 story in 3 parts (the 3 different generations of the model). Most of the new photos ended up inte Part 3 (2017–2022). More updates: V-Strom 650 brochures ('21 India), Burgman 650 brochures ('04 Global), T200 brochures ('67)

March 25: Updated pages: PE175 brochures ('82 USA), RM80 brochures, RM125 brochures and RM250 brochures ('85 RM-series brochure from Japan, also a '83 RM80H brochure), GSX400X Impulse brochures ('86 Japan).

March 26: Updated page: Raider R150 brochures ('16 Vietnam, '22 Malaysia). I have also started to collect material and build a Raider 150R model history page.

March 27: New page: GR150 brochures ('22 Pakistan)

March 28: I have a cold, so I'm working in slow motion. Still, I have also started to collect material and build a GS125 model history page. Another new page: Intruder 150 brochures ('18 Vietnam, '20 India, '21 Vietnam).

I noticed that the Donate button on my site didn't work... I think I've fixed it now. Please tell me if it doesn't work for you!

March 29: Today I made a huge structural update on my site, I made all the pages work with iFrames instead of old school Frames that didn't work so well anymore with the search engines and the adverts that make it possible for me to maintane this website. I'm sure there's more clever way to make a website but I needed a fix that takes only hours, not months to make the necessary changes. I hope the site works fine and looks good to you now. Let me know if there's something that isn't working so I try to fix it! Here's the e-mail address:
New page: GSX750P brochures (Police model, '97). I also updated many pages that had really old information, like the Links page. Most of the links to other Suzuki motorcycle sites were dead and the sites long gone. I made the page around 20 years ago so that's it was time to check if the links work...
Updated pages: DR200SE brochures ('07 Global), RM-Z250 model history ('05 and '08 photos).

March 30: Updated pages: GSX-R600 model history (more '04–'06 photos), GSR600 model history (larger '06 photos), , GS500F model history (larger '04 photos), AN650 Burgman model history (added '05, larger '04 photos), AN650 Burgman brochures ('03 UK), AN400 Burgman brochures ('18 Global), , AN400 Burgman model history (added years '13, '17, '18 and '19), RM-Z450 model history (more and better photos). I have also started building a VL250 Intruder model history page. I have some pictures and info of the model but not much.

March 31: New pages: Address 110 model history. It's a start, anyhow... I also started Sixteen 125 and Sixteen 150 model history pages, I try to find some useful info of the models soon. I already found a couple of catalogus for the models. You can find all the Sixteen pages here. New, much larger images on the GS425E brochures page ('80 Austria).

Sometimes I get mail from people who complain that their favorite model is not on my site. In many cases they haven't even bothered to look properly or used the search engine. But there are still some models missing. I'm doing my best and will fill in the gaps as fast as I can. This is not my profession; I'm doing this in my spare time. I could use some help to be able to get more things done. Please send me pictures, brochures and specs – or complete model histories... Anything at all that can make the site more complete. Here's more info of how you can contact me.

One more thing: PLEASE visit the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) pages before sending me questions about your bikes, manuals etc. I would love to help you all but I haven't got enough time or knowledge to do that — perhaps you can find an answer to your question on the FAQ pages? Here's the link: Frequently Asked Questions

Jarmo Haapamäki

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My Suzuki Pages
Jarmo Haapamäki (c) 2001