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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

One of the most common questions people ask me by e-mail are about manuals. They want to know if I can get a repair/maintenance/owner's manual for their bike. Please don't send me mail before you try to find a manual for your bike yourself. I get more e-mails than I can handle. I'm afraid I can't help you anyway but here follows some information that can be helpful.

How to get a manual for my Suzuki?

I can't help you if there is no manual available for your Suzuki model in the shops or can be bought from your Suzuki dealer. I don't have any contacts to special places that can deliver manuals. The most available Haynes and Clymer repair manuals can be found on the Books and manuals page where I have gathered some links to, Amazon UK, Amazon USA and Motorcycle Books. I have asked a Japanese friend of mine if he could help in finding manuals in Japan, but he said it was impossible to find any manuals in any other language than Japanese over there.

There are some manuals in digital format I have found on the Internet, there's a list of them at the end of this page. I don't own any manuals myself, except for my own bike.

Isn't there anything I can do?

You can continue searching on the Internet for a used manual or you can send a picture of your Suzuki for publishing on my Visitors' Suzuki section with your owner's comments, your e-mail address and the request for a manual. Perhaps some of the other visitors on my site can help you.

You can try joining the My Suzuki discussion group and posting your question there. Maybe some of the members can help you. Remember also to offer help for those who need it, the discussion group doesn't work if everybody just requires help and never answers to other people's questions.

You can even ask your local Suzuki bike service if they have a Suzuki service manual for the model. They might allow you to make a copy of it if you ask nicely.

Good luck!


Some Owners Manuals found on the Internet

(old links, they may have expired years ago)

Suzuki FXR150
Provided by New Zealand/Malaysian model.

Suzuki GS450GA
Found on this site. Provided by José Ravasi.

Suzuki GSX-R250
Provided by a Danish Suzuki site

Suzuki GSX1100E
Found on this site. Provided by Keith Bodine.

Suzuki GSX1400
Provided by (Free) membership required.

Suzuki K50
Some owner's manuals in Danish, Swedish and English. The page is written in Danish. There's also some other interesting material available on the same gallery.

Suzuki T500
Provided by T500 Fantastic Page.

Suzuki VX800
Provided by Tari's VX800 page.

Suzuki ZR50SLP
Found on this site. Provided by Sven Svensson.

Service Manuals found on the Internet

Suzuki GF250
Factory Suzuki GS250FWS Service Manual and Factory Suzuki GF250S Service Bulletin, provided by Scanned service manuals converted to pdf. Follow the instructions how to download the material.

Suzuki GN400
Provided by a Dutch GN400 site Some pages of the manual.

Suzuki GS250FW
Factory Suzuki GS250FWS Service Manual and Factory Suzuki GF250S Service Bulletin, provided by Scanned service manuals converted to pdf. Follow the instructions how to download the material.

Suzuki GSX-R750 & GSX-R1100
Provided by a Dutch (I think, the contest is in English) Suzuki site Scanned service manuals and fiches converted to pdf.

Suzuki GSX400F
Provided by a Dutch GN400 site The Service Manual compresssed to about 40 Mb large .rar file.

Suzuki RV50
Provided by the Suzuki RV50 Club fricktal at

Parts catalogs found on the Internet

Several Suzuki models. Create a new user, it's free, then select the model of bike, and you can see exploded views, part numbers, and prices of parts on-line.

Just about the same idea. See the comments for the link above.

OEM Parts Finder
A part of World of Powersports's website. Covers many Suzuki ATV, dirt bike and street bike models. Another shopping site, using HLSM Part Finder.

Catálogo de peças Suzuki
Online parts catalogs for Suzuki motorcycle models available in Brazil. Includes some models that are very rare in Europe and/or USA.

Suzuki GT500
Provided by ”The Great Suzuki GT500” website.

Suzuki K50
Bo Ravn's Suzuki Gallery. The page is written in Danish. There's also some other interesting material available on the same gallery for and about the Suzuki K50 mopeds.

Suzuki VS700 Intruder
83 scanned pages of the VS700 Intruder parts catalog are found on this Polish server.

Wiring diagrams found on the Internet

Suzuki GN400
Wiring diagrams and other useful stuff on the Dutch GN400 site

Suzuki GS850G
Tons of schemes of the engine, electrical, chassis etc. Also decal pictures in Adobe Acrobat format for making new decals.

Suzuki GS(X)1000/1100
Wiring diagrams (choose ”Electric” on the menu) for several GS/GSX 1000 and 1100 models (UK and USA).

Suzuki GSX11100F
Electric scheme provided by a Danish Suzuki site

Suzuki K50
Bo Ravn's Suzuki Gallery. The page is written in Danish. There's also some other interesting material available on the same gallery for and about the Suzuki K50 mopeds.

Suzuki TS50ER, ZR50 X1, ZR50SL, ZR50S
Electric schemes for the model above, provided by a Norwegian TS50ER site.

Other repair and service help on the Internet

Suzuki T and GT models service sheets
Helpful and interesting service bulletins, posted on the Suzuki Owners' Club site.

Japanese Carbs
Some expolded views of Japanese Carburetors, including several Suzuki/Mikuni carbs. I believe you can find even more good stuff on Dan's Motorcycle Repair Web Page.

These links may be quite old and may have expired years ago.
Please notify me if you find manuals and/or parts lists for other Suzuki motorcycle models in digital format on the Internet! Also notify me of any possible dead links found on this page. Please?

Suzuki Gs 750 [1976-1979] and Gs 550 [1977-1982] Owners Workshop Manual  Mansur Darlington, Rik Paul Suzuki Gs/Gsx 250, 400 & 450 Twins 1979-1985 Owners Workshop Manual249Cc-399Cc-448Cc  Curt Choate Clymer Suzuki : GSX-R750 1988-1992 & Gsx750F Katana 1988-1996 (Clymer Motorcyle Repair Series)  Suzuki 125-400Cc Singles, 1964-1981 : Service, Repair, Performance (M369)  David Sales

More: Frequently Asked Questions

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